Wild Germplasm in China

Wild germplasm diversity is a safeguard to the rubber industry. 


In China the pandemic spread in January, impacting the usual prevention activities for powdery mildew and anthracnose of rubber tree. This had influenced both the growth and yield of rubber tree in many plantations. The recent studies we conducted, have shown that some wild germplasm are resistant. Therefore, drawing from this material, we can contribute to a more resilient system.


In addition, a biodiverse planting pattern (Rubber / Alpinia oxyphylla Miq. - a chinese traditional medicine plant) could help sustain farmers’ income in this COVID-19 crisis. This planting pattern is mature and welcomed by farmers. Our project "CATAS-Bioversity correlation analysis between biodiversity and disease in rubber tree", is also at this component of farm system. More detailed information will be collected in July and August in Hainan island. 

Author Information:

TU Min, PhD 

State Centre for Rubber Breeding

Rubber Research Institute

Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences

Haikou 571101, Hainan, P.R.China

For more information please contact: Tel: +86 898 66961226